Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Break Special 3

Prosecute the killer of our son, 17-year-old Trayvon Martin

Justice for Trayvon Martin still needs to occur! Be sure that your name is on the petition and check locally for any movements or rallies! If you are from Oklahoma in the Norman area we know for sure that  there are a few occurring and we have planned one to occur very soon. Be on the look out for them all, and be sure to get involved as much as possible for such an important movement.

If you are an avid reader of our blog, male or female you are well aware of the fact that we feature this one celebrity quite a bit. Check Rihanna off the list as well as T.I. leaving us with very limited options. Don't know the answer? Well check out the picture below if you haven't done so already.

Chris Brown

If you didn't guess this one, then we're guessing you don't visit the blog often. Chris has made numerous appearances on the blog, and just like his ex. more than likely you'll continue to see him here.

He has quite an appealing style; one that we obviously agree with. He keeps it chill, yet still very well put together. Now there have been a few times that we haven't quite been on the same page..((cue picture from b.e.t. awards 2011 performance outfit)) -___-

Moving right along, to our right we have Mr.Breeze in some dark washed jean shorts. aztec printed cardigan.turquoise vans. and a fitted. Now some of you may not like this look, but we think it's the perfect look to run to store in or to hang out with some friends. Not the best for the next pageant, but perhaps for a party or two. Either way it goes, CB is looking quite stylish in our opinion. 

Alright, let's get into something that you fellas can replicate. As you can see he has on a graphic tee, acid wash jeans, pair of sunny's, and some nikes. This is one of those looks that are always going to be around. It's simple yet it has enough flare to it to catch someone's eye. Also, all of the pieces can be incorporated with another look withe ease. To dress this up, you could either take a nice blazer or a good quality bomber. We wanted to give you a few options for this look so check them out below.

graphic tee: 123
acid jean: one 
shoes: 1 (add some red laces)
possible jacket: blazer or bomber

And there you have it, something that is very versatile and easy to put together. Perfect look for these semi cool-warm days out there in the spring.

Last but not least, we wanted to dress it up a bit for his final look. We started with a chill look, went to more of a casual.. now let's look at a dressy look from Chris. Seen below, he is wearing a modern fit jacket and pant. Modern in the sense that it is not baggy and smothering him in fabric. This was obviously a runway look that he was put in for a fashion show. However, this is something that could be translated to our world such as for a dinner party or an upscale event. 

We love that the stylist went with two different color fabrics for the jacket and pant. The cut and style of the suit makes it very high class. While the hues give it that stylish flare. We suggest that if you are going to do something similar that you know what you are doing. You may end up with an odd look, if it is not put together correctly.
Welp folks,  depending on what we have planned this weekend, this may be our last spring break special post. Hopefully you thoroughly enjoyed these few post that we threw in for spring break. Now you all know who our favorites are and who more than likely you will see on the blog. 

Be sure to leave us some comments and follow the blog through Facebook. We love to see and hear from who is reading!! Until next time
xoxo VM.

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