If you haven't browsed the site already to figure out what your tip is this week, we'll go ahead and let you know! This week your second summer essential is shorts. This doesn't mean just one pair, we encourage you to have multiple; so check out the looks below and get some advice on how you can wear these ever needed pieces of clothing during the summer!
As we did with the ladies we're going to start you off with the denim shorts. Denim is a must/need in every persons closet, and when it comes to the summer time denim shorts are where it's at. Check out our boy Pharrell Williams, with his lightly distressed cuffed denim shorts. Keeping this look simple he went with a white v-neck, a green belt, and some magenta boat shoes. He didn't do too much with accessories either, just some black shades and a large gold wrist watch. Although Pharrell kept it rather simple when it came to dressing his denim shorts; there is no reason why you can't do a little extra when it comes to wearing them.
How about trying a graphic tee like this one, or a graphic tank with your denim shorts. No one says that you have to cuff them at the bottom, but if you wanted to give them a different look you should try it out. It will allow you to give the same denim shorts 2 different looks. For shoes some low top shoes will work out great. If you're going to do the white v-neck you may do a bright shoe like these to spice up the outfit. And if you are going to do one of the graphic shirts try some neutral shoes.
sn: don't have any denim shorts?..take those pair of jeans that are too short for you now and cut them into shorts!

Now let's look at some docker shorts. These shorts are normally really bright in color so it's really not too hard to put together an outfit with these. We suggest doing a white v-neck tee as Pharrell did with his denim shorts and a neutral colored shoe. However if you check out Kanye's outfit you can see that you can pull these shorts off with a button up shirt. It looks as though he was trying to pull the whole preppy look off. As you can see he has on a rain coat along with his button up shirt, but considering these outrageously hot days we've been having..putting one on those on would be a NO NO..lol
Not wanting to do the button up shirt? As always a graphic tee or white v-neck will work out grand! ;)

We have Johannes Huebl wearing some white light knit shorts. His look is more on the dressed up side and this is done by the other pieces that are put with the shorts. First off, he has on a dark blue button up shirt and for shoes he has on some brown suede dress shoes. Cuffing the sleeves on the shirt really add some flare to this look. His accessories only go as far as some black ray bans. Overall, he kept it rather simple..yet the outfit is dressy enough to go to an event in.
For yourself what if you tried on some shorts like these ones, or these. Take one of your darker colored button-ups from the closet and roll up the sleeves. For shoes, try something similar to these. Mr. Huebl kept his look really simple, so to take it a step further what if you threw on a vest over the shirt? And maybe put on a necklace similar to this one?
We suggest these items just because we envision this outfit being something that you would wear to a night event. Also, we don't expect to see anyone in the middle of the day when it's around one hundred&3 out wearing a long sleeve button up and a vest on top of that. Unless of course your plans were to pass out on the side of the street? o_O lol
Johannes' outfit looks very similar to our friend Tarricke's outfit from his Feature Friday! Great outfit idea Tarricke your looking like one of the celebs..Call us biased but we like yours better Tarricke! =)
Alright, so hopefully this was not an information overload for you guys out there! Did you find something that was of use to you or anything that caught your attention? Leave us some feedback below in the comment section! Thanks again for all the support!
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